Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Nylon ft. Zoe Saldana

Nylon always finds its way into my little old mailbox after I've had the shttiest days. No clue why, but that's just how it works. This weekend was one of those marvelously horrid weekends. I found out one of my friend's (slash ex's) got locked up for some crazy crime that you really cant get around. And then my account being emptied by the fraud. They spent over $300 in a Toys-R-Us in Queens. Wtf yo!? To top things off, my phone fell into a puddle. Lovely lovely accounts this weekend. It did have its up moments. Great party on Saturday & got the opportunity to interviews Togo/D.C.'s independent rapper, clothes designer, film director , Tabi Bonney. I was kinda stressed about how last minute the interview was but he was reaaaallly good peoples.
Anyways, of course, Nylon came in today. Always nice to see some color on the cover. Zoe Saldana is gorgeous. I think shes one of my bf's celeb crushes *rolls eyes*
lol anywho, this issue didn't let me down. I love it!
Go pick one up! & tell em' Manny sent ya!


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